Dumb Ways To Die Original

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Humans are fragile beings. And often stupid too. And they can die very easily. In this game, you have to keep an eye on a bunch of characters who are not very careful or prudent. They gathered for a high-profile party and intend to break away until the morning. Of course, when their thirst for adventure is mixed with a couple of liters of beer, they will generally cease to be aware of their actions. And this is where you intervene, so that a merry gathering does not turn into a funeral!

Your task is to observe what is happening on the location, trying not to miss anything that any of the heroes is doing. At any moment, one of them can reach for bare wires or jump from the roof into the pool and miss or do something else out of the blue. Can you keep all the characters from dying until the end of the drinking? Let’s check it out by playing Dumb Ways To Die!

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