Top 4 Games in This Week

Kindergarten Game · Play Online Free

Kindergarten is a game that is a mix of puzzle and adventure, with a little tint of horror and investigation. Here you will find yourself in a kindergarten filled with very strange characters. Things will quickly spin out of control, and one day you’ll find out one of your new friends is missing. Can it somehow be connected with all the weird things you’ve seen here so far? And is your own life in danger? Play and see!

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There is something wrong with this kindergarten!

At the beginning of the game, we get acquainted with the main character referred to simply as the Protagonist. This is the person who will be dying most frequently and epically. But don’t worry – every fatal ending will just reset the day, and you’ll return to the same Monday you started from, only now armed with the knowledge of what might be going on if you behave in one way or another.

Aside from the Protagonist, there are several other characters you can meet on the map. Most of them are kids – you can make friends with some of them and even start dating the local cutie named Cindy. While Buggs will try to beat you up every time he sees you, Nugget and Lilly can make rather good buddies. Just don’t be surprised to find out that one of them is actually distributed pills made by the Principal!

Along with the Janitor, the Lunch Lady and Ms. Applegate, he is one of the four only adults in the game. Ms. Applegate is of particular danger – she is the one killing children! You will find that out when you discover that your classmate Billy has disappeared and see the Janitor cleaning up blood (allegedly his) from the floor. Can you investigate this mysterious murder? Let’s try!

Find out how kills children and don’t die!

This is just the beginning of the long list of weird things going on in Kindergarten. The game is basically a series of quests you have to complete and puzzles you have to solve that will allow you to get closer to revealing the whole mystery. It will include stealing the teacher’s phone, setting up your classmates, buying and using voice recorders, brewing poison (and often getting poisoned yourself) and much more.

There are various items you can interact with and several possible endings of the same story fragment based on your actions. Most importantly – don’t be afraid to die! Every time that happens you get a precious experience allowing you to do better next time. So start playing Kindergarten right now and see if you can solve the string of enigmatic kid murders while staying alive in the end!

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